Monday, August 21, 2006

travel in the himalaya is always, always interesting.
a gave me smythe's kamet.

'The next morning, before leaving camp, Greene was called upon to do some more work. One of his patients was a small boy who complained, apparently, among other things, of a sore throat. Greene examined him, but could find nothing in particular wrong. He decided, however, that, as the boy's tonsils were none too healthy, it would be a good thing if they were to come out on the spot. He was preparing to perform this operation when the terrified boy explained that it was not he who was ill, but his father in the village below, and that he had come on his behalf, and had merely tried to enact his ailments.'
F. S. Smythe, Kamet Conquered (London: Camelot Press Ltd, 1932).

now, only if smythe got his names right...


At a loss for a blogger handle said...

what of names and smythe?

i am apoor girl. no one scraps me. i mean writes scraps to me in my scrapbook

olidhar said...

smythe might have come off his edwardian tendencies to call a spade a spade, thats's all. to put things simply, i take exception to his 'conquered'.

olidhar said...

and i really don't think ANYONE writes to apoor girl.

sosostris9 said...

Good one!

olidhar said...

@madame: and there were others. rather a pity it's not here for the reading. really, these things should be up, about and around by now. and a 1932 publication, too!