Saturday, August 05, 2006

-quid facis hodie?

went out yesterday again. all of us save r, and that because we couldn't reach her. ruddy charger gone bust, and we all felt the ruddyness of the ruddy charger rather keenly yesterday.
what is important, however, is that the campus is very pretty on a pretty day, and even s behaves like a normal human being in it, and keeps her threats of going home to a minimum. it is also remarkable that very little persuasion indeed is needed to get a out and bouncing to a very old tune. i am an easy case, of course. i spend a nice day anyway, and then have food given me when i am hungry.
things will get very busy very soon, but it would be such a shame not to roll this luxurious hedonism around the tongue while it lasts.


At a loss for a blogger handle said...

roll on, if i may say.
tho didnt mean it in such terrible taste. amio dekhbo. mane butch cassidy.

latin latin. really.

olidhar said...

watch on, if i may say.
and yes, point taken. really ought to start on the greek. after all, arcche and all that.

At a loss for a blogger handle said...

i refuse to pander to such blatant whatevers

olidhar said...

proage, de.
(deeply felt apologies that blogspot doesn't allow u to type the greek in in the right script)